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  • Writer's pictureLexi Bruce

And My Book Is In The World

Today my book hits shelves, and I'm a little bit in shock! I want to thank everyone who made the publication possible, and everyone who has been supportive of and excited for me as this day has drawn closer.

With the 10 year challenge all over social media for the past few weeks, I've been reflecting on how far I've come. I remember how much I've wanted this for well over a decade. I remember being told to set my sights on more realistic aspirations. I'm glad I didn't.

Ten years ago I was incredibly unsure of myself. I think the only thing I was sure of was that I was a writer. In the past two or so years a lot of good things have come together for me, and the writing of this book was instrumental in a lot of personal growth.

I'm excited for my book's release today, to share MORE THAN ANGER with all of you. I'm excited to celebrate the launch with my reading and signing on December 14th (details available under the events tab), and I'm excited to see where future creative projects take me!

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